Publicerad: 31 januari 2025

Lyxiga mumsbitar

Our Chocolate Kisses are the perfect choice for your Special Day.

Chokladkyssar are desert filled with egg white cream(soft marange) covered with high quality chocolate 70% cacao and with natural topping.

Our chokladkyssar comes in 47 luxurious flavours like champagne,  salted Caramel, Strawberry,  Irish cream,  white pistachio and so.many more to make your day even better 😋 

It's a combination of Pralines & Mumsmums 👌

We sell it as individuals or in mix gift box of 12 mix flavours to your choice. 

Regardless of whether it's a wedding, birthday or other event, our various chocolate kisses fit in.

Come over and visit us at Bröllopsfeber stand nr  VH07:13 

Lycka mumsmums 😋

Bröllopsfeber Deal. 12st Lyxiga Chokladkyssar mix Gift box

Hello & Congratulations for your upcoming wedding 🥂

We have special offers for your upcoming wedding!

Just for the Wedding Fever fair:

12 luxurious Chocolate Kisses mix Gift box (see image at our site)

We recommend giving your guests a Gift box to take home from you Or

Just invite for Luxurious mums mums at the wedding 👌

Your choice of flavors 

See our luxury flavors @ 

SEK 199 per 12 boxes (word price SEK 250)

Ask us on our minimum order policy 

Price incl. VAT & delivery to your venue. 

Come over and talk to us at the fair 

Stand  VH07:13

Welcome 🍾🥂🥰

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